Partners API


Honeybee Health Partners API is a modern, RESTful API-driven Pharmacy as a Service. The Honeybee Health Partners API uses resource-oriented URLs, supports HTTPS transport and OAuth 2.0 authorization and leverages JSON in all responses.

This documentation provides a reference on how to integrate with Honeybee Health's Partners API. This API allows for partners to manage and get data on prescriptions and orders.

Before consuming the Partners API, please make sure you have read the documentation on Authentication & Authorization, and understand how to authenticate and receive access tokens to authorize use of this API.

Honeybee supports multiple workflows and will work with partners to help them select the best one for their needs. Honeybee’s goal is always to make sure patients are happy and well taken care of, while supporting an efficient and simple workflow for our partners.

Supported Partners API Workflows

Different workflows provide partners with greater flexibility and control over the prescription fulfillment process.

API Driven (Partner Requested Fills)

For the most control over when a prescription is filled, the Partner Requested Fills workflow can intake e-Prescriptions without creating an order automatically.

A typical use case for this workflow is creating a fill request after payment processing is completed.

With the Partner Requested Fills workflow, partners can receive a webhook when Honeybee Health has completed intake of a newly sent prescription. This webhook will contain patient and prescription identifiers that allow partners to match patient and prescription records to those that in-house or vendored ePrescribing software has generated. Please see the Matching Event Data to Patients guide for more information.

To request a fill of a prescription, partners can send an API request to the POST /orders endpoint. Please refer to the API Reference for more information on request and response shapes.

For every update to an order, partners can receive additional webhooks that indicate the order status, shipment status, or if an action is required to be taken on an order to resolve an issue. Please see Events documentation for additional information regarding webhook types and shapes.

Automatic Processing

The Automatic Processing workflow is the fastest way to get integrated.

When Honeybee receives an e-Prescription; patient, shipping, medication and prescriber data is extracted and an order is automatically created and the filling/verification process begins. Orders can be viewed on the Order Dashboard

With the Automatic Processing workflow, partners still have the option of adding a webhook URL where Honeybee Health can send updates for orders and shipments. Please see the Events documentation for more information.